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Woman's Club of Bethpage

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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The Woman's Club of Bethpage is celebrating their 50th Anniversary.

This community organization was formed on June 23, 1958 by eleven women, with the installation of its first officers. The first president was Margaret Weatherly.

On February 16, 1959 the club, named the Jr. Woman's Club of Bethpage, was elected to membership in the GFWC (General Federation of Women's Clubs) an international organization serving countries throughout the world. The membership grew to a limited number of thirty and the Woman's Club of Bethpage has continued to serve for the past 50 years.

The purpose of this club is to promote the general welfare of the community through charity and education. With a limited budget and membership, the club has strived to support and expand interests in education and contribute to both local and national charities.

Over the past 50 years, the Woman's Club has provided scholarships and other scholastic awards to graduating Bethpage High School students, established and contributed to contests in the arts and music in the student and clubwoman division, contributed equipment to the library and to school programs, assisted other community organizations with philanthropic causes.

Charter Members of Jr. Woman's Club of Bethpage:

Juanita Bohack
Jane Butler
Beth Derby
Marilyn Nitschke
Dorothy Palm
Joan Rodman
Bea Rizzieri
Grace Marshall
Ruth Russell
Terry Thompson
Margaret Weatherly

At the February 24, 1958 Organizational Meeting - In attendance were the following women:

Grace Marshall
Jane Butler
Marilyn Nitschke
Ruth Gross
Ruth Russell
Jane Nosal
Margaret Weatherly
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