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World War I

World War I Veterans who served and are listed on the Memorial Boulder/Honor Roll in the Bethpage Community Park on Stewart Avenue. ( This rock used to stand in front of the Powell Avenue Elementary School.)

Amendola, Raphael - Old Bethpage family
Bourguignon, Lewis
Benkert, George Jr. - Second local boy killed in action in WWI.  He was a half-brother of Hans and Freddy Benkert.
Brandt, Herman
Bartovitch, Benjamin - killed in action
Campagna, Frank
Deubel, Milton J. - Son of the proprietor of Duebel's Restaurant

Garrett, John - oldest son of the Garrett family that owned Garrett Garage and Junk Yard on Stewart Avenue, south of Hempstead Turnpike

Gloeckler, Gustave
Hoebel, Louis - may have lived on Central Avenue, Bethpage
Henn, Edwin - possibly a brother or father of Elmer L. Henn, the builder?
Howell, Jason
Jackson, Townsend
Jackson, Clarence
Koehler, Henry - son of the man who had the local grocery store, later run by the Weber Family, on Central Avenue.
Kranz, William - brother of George Kranz
Klug, Frank - a carpenter
Laumann, Fred - brother of Charles Laumann; well-driller
Liandier, Jacques
Leslie, Milton
Leslie, Sidney
Leslie, Walter
Margot, William
McCord, Arthur - a builder, brother of Archie McCord?
McCord, Archibald - first local boy killed in World War I. American Legion Post named after him.
Miller, Jacob - Brother of Henry Miller; married Emma (sister of Rose Wegener); had 2 daughters-Elise and Norma.  Lived on Hempstead Turnpike., near Mid-Island Hospital. Worked for Godfrey Farm Supply Co. on Stewart and Central Avenues. (deceased)
Nardi, Edward
Niemczyk, Joseph - oldest son of Anthony Niemczyk. Farmed on Haypath Road for a while. Married Anna Abramoske. Had 15 children. Moved to East Northport and farmed there on Cedar Road. Joe was gassed in the Argonne Forest and felt the results of that for the rest of his life. (deceased)
Ott, Herman - street named for this family
Olsen, John V. - lived on Edna Avenue, Bethpage.
Possenti, Humbert
Ruggiero, Domenick - Brother of Stella (Ruggiero)Finamore. U. S. Army - Europe
Stevens, Edwin - ran a garage and auto dealership (Robinson and Stevens, Inc.) in Hicksville.
Schwartz, Carl - owned a greenhouse business on Central Avenue.
Stumpel, Henry - small contractor (concrete).
Seaman, Henry - ran local feed store, later moved to Seaford.
Vogtlander, William
Wagner, Henry A.
Walsh, Valentin - son of John Walsh; nephew of Joseph Walsh of Bethpage.  Born 1898-died 1978. Retired to Florida. Married. Had 3 sons.
Winter, William
Winter, Vincent
Zuk, Joseph - farmer north of Powell Avenue
Zwickert, Alfred - brother of William Zwickert
Zwickert, William - married Lena Seligman-owned a garage and auto dealership on Hempstead Turnpike.

World War II - Roll of Honor

Reilley, Henry Reinke, Bernard
Abramowski George
  • Served with the US Army
Abramson, Joll
Ahern, Jeremiah - 1927 Army. '45 - '46 S/N 42263630 Germany 3rd Const. Regt.
Ahern, William - 1926 U.S.A.A.F. 2nd Lt. 1944 - 1947 U. S. A.
Altmann, Emery
Altmann, Gerald
Altmann, Warren
Amendola, Francis
Amendola, Geo.
Amendola, Le Roy
Amendola, Raymond
Anderson, Harold - See entry at Anderson
Anderson, Raymond - See entry at Anderson
Anselmi, Demo
Antonellis, S.J.
Auer, Charles
Auer, Harold
Baczewiski, Regina
Baldwin, Everett
Bartolillo, Joseph
Belcastro, Frank
Belcastro, Joseph
Bells, James
Bellini, John
Belsha, Harry
Belsha, Jack
Belsha, James
Benkert, Fred WWII December 1942 - August 1945
  • 1st Lt. US Army Air Force
  • Bombardier on B-24 Bomber
  • Served in European Theater of Operations
  • Stationed in England
  • Flew 35 bombing missions over Germany and Belgium from September 1944 to March 14, 1945.
  • Honorably Discharged
Benkert, George. C.
  • Graduated from Fort Schuyler as Ensign U. S. Navy.
  • Served in Pacific Theatre
  • Lt. JG on Landing Craft as Helmsman
  • Honorably Discharged.
Bilogan, Charles
Bilogan, Henry
Bilogan, John
Bilogan, Matthew
Bilogan, Stephen
Bryant, Thomas
Bunner, James
Burmeister, Harry
Burmester, Geo.
Burns, Carlisle
Burns, Robert
Pvt. Butehorn, Charles - November 28, 1944
Sgt. Butehorn, Joseph - May 10, 1945
Buzzerrio, John T.
Caffrey, Raymond - Son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caffrey. He joined the Marine Corp during World War II and was killed on May 15, 1945 at Okinawa. He is buried at Pinelawn National Cemetery. He is survived by his parents and two brothers, Jacque (Jack) and Buddy.
Calissi, Henry
Calissi, Paul
Camerlingo, Emil - U. S. Army
Campogna, Dominic
Candito, Anthony
Candito, Frank
Candito, Martin
Carriere, John
Carriere, Paul
Carriere, Raymond - Born April 23, 1923 to Angelinna and Paul Carriere. The family consisted of eight boys and three girls. He graduated Farmingdale H. S. and went to work in a coat factory as a pressman. Three brothers plus Raymond were in service. He was in the parachute division. He was killed in the first invasion of France. He was the first young man killed from Bethpage in WWII.
Castelli, James
Cava, Edward
Cereoli, Ronald
Cereoli, Walter
Collins, Charles
Collins, Clarence
Compogna, Salvatore
Corraggio, James
Corraggio, Margaret
Corraggio, Michael
Corraggio, Nicholas
Cramer, Joseph
Cramer, Lawrence
Cramer, Ralph
Cullegari, F.
Damm, Robert - Born to Theodore and Charlotte Damm. He also had one bother and one sister. He joined the Army Air Corp. at the beginning of the war. He was part of the aircraft crew. On take off the plane exploded on a Army air field in Texas. He is buried at St. John's Cemetary in Levittown.
Damm, Theo.
Dean, David
Dean, John
De Benedetto, Martin
De Franis, Vito
Dean, James
Delaney, Robert
De Santo, Peter
Donolli, Emil
Downs, H.
Doyle, John.
Doyle, Wm.
Edwards, Claude
Ellerby, Sidney
Engelbrektson, S.
Facardi, Fred
Facardi, Stephen
Finamore, Ernest - 1926 - U.S.N. 1/44 to 5/46. S/N 712-18-79, S 1/C North Pacific, Alaska
Finnegan, Robert
Filice, Serafino
Fornari, Raymond
Fowler, Richard
Franza, Ralph
Friedman, Harold
Friedman, Randolph
Froehlich, Robert
Galla, Alex
Garish, W.
Garrett, Kenneth
Gerry, Jos.
Gerry, Wm.
Gifford, Jack - AV Cadet, V5 USNR. US Navy 9/29/42 - 2/14/44. Honorable discharge by reason of medical survey for physical disability incurred in line of duty. Trained in Siena College, Watervliet, N. Y. (CAP-WTS Pre-Flight and Cubs); Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. (Pre-Flight School); NAS, Bunker Hill, Indiana (Flight Training); NATC Pensacola, FL.
Gillespie, Robert
Goetz, Paul
Grandberg, Herbert
Grafenstein, Alfred
Greco, Michael
Greisofe, Paul
Gross, John
Haish, F.
Hartigan, Chas.
Hartman, Emil
Haugen, Andrew
Haugen, Harry
Haugen, Henry
Haugen, Raymond
Haun, Louis
Hildebrand, Fred
Hogrup, Henry
Holgerson, Arthur
Holmes, John
Howard, C.
Innacone, Louis
Johnson, Albin
Johnson, Ernest
Joster, Peter
Kaufman, Kenneth
Keteltas, John
Kiernan, Thomas
Klingelhoefer, James
Klug, John
Klug, Kenneth
Koenderman, Edward
Kordula, Al
Knapp, John, August 27, 1918 - May 7, 1972. Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, T. Sgt. Co. 1, 331 Infantry, POW
Knudsen, Richard
Kramer, Jr. Fred
Lawrsiten, Edward
Lawrow, Stephen
Leo, Nicholas
Leykamm, Fred
Leykmann, Willard
Lo Dalce, G.
Looney, Francis
Looney, James
Looney, John
Looney, Walter A.
Lorigan, John
Maggi, Lawrence
Maini, Chas.
Maltz, Isadore
Manacuso, Louis
Marrone, Frank
Masino, John
Mayo, Louis - U. S. Army
Mazzara, Salvatore (Buddy), U. S. Army - Normandy Beach, France. LT.
Mazzara, Geo.
Mazzarra, John
McDononough, Michael
Melone, Charles P.
Michaels, John
Mignone, Joseph
Mignone, Louis
Minicozzi, James
Minnick, Geo.
Monivis, Charles
Morris, Robert
Morselli, Thomas
Montermarano, Nicholas
Motti, Amo
Mueller, Peter
Neal, Edison
Nelson, Jack
Nelson, Victor
Nicholson, Carl
Nicholson, Robert
Noble, Fred
Noonan, Frank
Noonan, Thomas
Nylund, Roy
Olivio, Mario
Opdahl, Everett
Opdahl, Robert
Osinski, Matthew
Owens, Edward
Parize, R.
Parize, Robert
Payne, Walter
Pernicaro, Anna - U. S. Marine Corp.
Pernicaro, Peter - U. S. Army Air Force. B-17 Pilot
Peter, Margaret
Pirowski. Victor
Podsiadlo, Wanda
Price, Edwin
Ratto, Joseph
Ratto, Leonard
Ratto, Nicholas
Regan, Arthur
Regan, Michael
Robinson, Alex.
Robinson, Lewis
Robinson, Shaw
Romscho, Charles
Rosenblum, Irving
Roshinko, John
Roshinko, Joseph
Rowehl, Louis
Rowehl, William
Rozzi, Dominick
Saitta, Louis
Saitta, Louis
Schaaf, Edward
Scheiner, Jacob
Scherer, Walter
  • Born October 22, 1911
  • Died December 13, 1987
  • Rank/Service: 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, US Army
  • Awarded Combat Infantryman Badge, Bronze Star, Purple Heart
  • Lived on corner of Scherer Avenue (named for his family) and Central Avenue, Bethpage
Schiavetta, August
Schiavetta, Louis
Schultz, Elmer
Sennett, Paul
Sisia, Joseph
Simmons, Frank
Siverston, Howard
Skellington, Clarence - At 18 years of age Clarence and his brother Eddie joined the National Guard. They were in the 107th 2nd Anti Tank Battalion and were federalized when the war broke out. Five of the brothers were in service. They all came home safely except Clarence. Clarence was in Camp Shelbe, Miss. He drowned on maneuvers in the Leif River in Miss. He was only 18 years old.
Skellington, Edward - PFC in U. S. Army, 4th Division, 12th Reg. 3rd Army, D Co. Entered the Army 6/1/44 and was discharged 11/11/49. He received his basic training at Ft. McCullen and served in active duty in France, Germany, and Battle of the Bulge. Ed received the Bronze Star for ground operations against the enemy. He met hometown boy, Frank Filice at a field hospital in France. They soon parted and Ed went back to combat duty. He was in an 81 Mortar Crew.
Sloan, Wiliam
Smith, A.
Smith, H.
Sokelski, Adam
Sokolski, Edward
Sorenson, Robert
Spagnoli, A. H.
Spielman, Robert
Spindler, Joseph
Spodebalski, Vincent
Steele, Albert
Steele, Bernard
Stokes, Joseph
Strauber, J.J.
Sturiale, Edward
Sturiale, Geo.
Swanstrom, Walter
Tallman, Charles - WT 3/C in U. S. Navy. Entered the Navy in 1944 and was discharged in 1947. Received basic training in Boot Camp at Samson. Served aboard ship in the Atlantic, Europe, the Pacific, China and islands in between. Recalled during the Korean War in 1951and sailed with the 6th Fleet for 18 months. Was discharged in 1952. Enlisted in the Navy SeaBees Reserve in 1973. SeaBees moved out of state, discharged in 1979. Joined the National Guard, 242 Signal, retired as SFC 1987.
Tanner, Edward
Temme, Edward
Temme, Gilbert
Temme, James
Temme, Robert
Tucciarone, Harry
Tucciarone, J. S.
Tucciarone, Louis
Vigliotta, Thomas
Vitale, Anthony
Vitale, Carmine
Vitale, Peter
Von Thaden, Henry
Wagner, John
Wallach, Elaine
Waldman, Edward
Walton, James
Wawryck, Henry
Wenner, Frank
West, Harriet
Westby, John
Westby, Robert
White, James
Willford, Geo.
Wilson, Ronald
Wilson, Victor
Wright, Gordon
Zaderecki, Anthony
Zaderecki, Geo.
Zinzi, Dominick - 1926 - 05, U. S. Navy CV Midway
Zinzi, Edward
Zinzi, Joseph - 1929 - U.S.N. Oct. 1947 - 1951. U.S.S. Yellowstone, AD 27.
Zinzi, Thomas - U. S. N.
Zuck, Edward


Amendola, Frank
Amendola, John
Benkert, Fred G.
  • Re-enlisted January 1946
  • Master Sergeant - Crew Chief
  • Stationed in Seoul, Korea from May 1951 to Mary 1952
  • Honorably Discharged.
Danna, Paul - Served with the Marines 1952 - 1053, Rank of S/Sgt.
Moesch, Richard - Killed in action
Tallman, Robert - USNR 1949 - 1953 Korean Service

Enlisted with Fighter Squadron VF-831 at NAS NY, Floyd Bennett Field 1949, as a "week end warrior". Ordered to active duty 1950 and reported to NAS Alameda and subsequent TDY to other sites for additional training. Squadron deployed 1951 aboard USS Antietam CV-36 with Air Group 15. Joined Task Force 77 in the Sea of Japan for Korean Operations. Returned state side 1952, disembarked Antietam at Alameda and was transferred to NAS Moffett Field, Mountain View, CA. Honorably Discharged 1953 as a Petty Officer 2nd Class, and I am proud to have served.

Finamore, Frank
  • U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd class
  • Company D
  • 1st Marine Division
  • October 20, 1947 - October 19, 1951
  • Inchon Invasion Sept 15. 1950
  • Chosin Resivor Survivor - December 1950

Vietnam Veterans

Benkert, George C.
  • Served as Chief Engineer in Merchant Marine

Vietnam Veterans - Killed In Action

There were ten men from Bethpage who were killed in action (KIA). In memory of those Bethpage residents who died in the Vietnam conflict, the Bethpage Woman's Club donated funds to the Vietnam Veterans Fund so that the following ten names could be inscribed on the newly erected Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

1st Lt. Stephan E. Karopczyc - Born 3/5/44. Attended Springhill College in Mobile Alabama and graduated in 1965. While attending Springhill College, he joined the ROTC Program. Upon graduation he joined the U.S. Army with the rank of 1st. Lieutenant. He trained at Fort Benning, Georgia and became a Ranger. On March 12, 1967, he was killed in action in Kontum Province, Viet Nam. He was posthumously awarded our nation's highest award, the Congressional Medal of Honor. The Farmedge School in Island Trees was re-dedicated on June 14, 1969 and named the Stephen E. Karopczyc School. See entry under Karopczyc.
L/CPL Guido Farinaro
PFC Otto C. Grabow
L/CPL Michael R. Morgan
PFC James M. Hasenflug
SP 4 William F. Henaghan
SP 4 Leonard F. Jantzen
SP 5 Gerald W. McCaffrey
Gagliardo, Frank - Killed in Action
McCarthy, Peter R.

Desert Storm / Iraq Veterans

Donna Rusch, daughter of Edwin and Barbara Rusch, continues to serve in the US Services. She served in the US Navy from 1977-1998. She transferred to the US Public Health Service in 1998 and continues to serve on active duty as a a LT Commander. She received veteran honors for serving in the Gulf War (1990-1991) as well as during the "Cold War" period. In addition to her current duties as a Health Policy Administrator, stationed in Washington, D.C., she is deployed for national and international emergencies & natural disasters, to serve as a liaison for US government forces as well as provide clinical mental health services to victims.
  • This page was last modified on 31 October 2023, at 01:27.
  • This page has been accessed 5,690 times.