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Taylor, Reverand James F

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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Reverand James Frederick Taylor was born in Albany, N. Y., and educated in public schools in Washington D. C., and Albany N. Y. He studies for the ministry at Concordia, Bronxville, and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, graduating from the Seminary in June, 1935. He was ordained on December 8, 1940, after more than four years of pastoral ministry at Albany, Troy, and Delmar, N. Y. These were years when there were very few calls into the ministry. He then spent almost three years at Christ Lutheran Church in Albany, N. Y.

On August 29, 1943, Pastor Taylor was installed here at St. Paul's. During these past years, St. Paul's has experienced growth and change. In 1952, the parsonage was dedicated: 1956 - the Parish House and Organ were dedicated: and in 1964, the interior of the church was renovated and dedicated in February of 1965.

Over the years, Pastor Taylor had the love and faithful support of his lovely wife, Lillian, and their children James, Thomas, David, Deborah and Marcia. Mrs. Taylor has been active in church work, also teaching in the Sunday Church School, singing in the choir and supervising Vacation Bible Schools. She has also earned a Masters Degree in Education and is a substitute teacher in the Bethpage & Island Trees School Districts. James teaches in Redeemer Lutheran School in Glendale; Thomas teaches in a Montesorri school in South Carolina; David is with the U. S. Air Force in England; Deborah is a commercial artist in Manhattan and Marcia works at the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service of the Lutheran Council in New York.

Pastor Taylor was the Bethpage Fire Department Sr. Chaplain for the past 37 years.

(Information from the Bethpage Tribune, June 26, 1980)

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