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St Vincent de Paul

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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259 Broadway, Bethpage, NY

In 1931 the Nassau-Suffolk branch of St. Vincent dePaul Society was founded and its Central Council Office, of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, is happily located in our little village of Bethpage in the former bank building. It is next to the parking lot adjacent to the handsome new store building of the St. Vincent dePaul Thrift Shop (249 Broadway). Collecting, selling, distributing new and second hand clothing, furniture, books, artifacts of every description is a small function of this fine charitable organization non-sectarian activities. The Society recognized the needs of the sick, crippled and homeless and its arms have always been extended to the handicapped and the aged.

Today, it not only cares for those who seek its bounty, but has expanded its services to offer shelter, hope and employment to all segments of the community. Self respect and dignity are the cherished hope of so many unfortunates among us and that is what the Society strives to convey to those who seek its assistance, regardless of religion, color or ethnic origins------with open arms. The key to a person's self esteem and pride is held in his ability to support himself and work.

(Taken from "Leo's Lines" BETHPAGE TRIBUNE, January 24, 1980)

From Jack Gifford's notes: He believes this may have been the house where Mr. Angler had his barber shop after he sold the other house, north of the railroad, to Hackett's. It was later and for many years the site of Felice's Tailor.

Information from St. Martin of Tours church bulletin - May 27, 2018 - St. Vincent de Paul Society celebrated its 70th anniversary. Luke Smith, the first executive director, established the Society's Central Council in the Savings and Loan Bank on Broadway, Bethpage in 1950. Over the years the Society provided assistance to households of individuals and families throughout Long Island with financial aid, free furniture, clothing, filing for public assistance and spiritual guidance. This assistance is made possible by the generosity of many. The Vincentians mission is to "hear the poor and respond."

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