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St Paul's Lutheran Church

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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In 1923 Philip Schaaf, Charles Hencken, John Klug, Henry Sengstacken, George Benkert, Adolf Wagner and their families organized St. Paul's Lutheran Church using the old Bethpage Fire House as a meeting place. A year later the present church building on Stewart Avenue was erected. The parish house was added in l955.

A lightning bolt hit the church around 6:30pm on 6/27/02. No one was inside the church at the time, but seven firefighters were injured and transported to local hospitals. Chief Brian Wall of the Bethpage Fire Department said, "we have a partial collapse in the rear of the building and the building's roof and organ pipes suffered the most damage. The beautiful stained-glass window, and the stone wall are still intact.

On February 8th, 2004, St. Paul's Lutheran Church celebrated the Official Groundbreaking of the Remodeling/Renovation of their church. It has been roughly 20 months since lightning struck the church on June 27, 2002. The contractor has now completed the demolition of the interior of the church, which suffered damage from fire, smoke, and water. The roof over the Parish Hall has been removed in preparation for a delivery of steel that will allow a second floor to be added. In addition, the 80-year-old building will be brought up to code and add some valuable upgrades for handicap accessibility, a sprinkler system and most important a lightning suppression system. (From the BETHPAGE TRIBUNE February 29-26, 2004)

Below information from The BETHPAGE TRIBUNE, October 8 - 14, 2004

On Sunday, October 10, 2004, St. Paul's Lutheran Church will celebrate the reopening of the church with a Rededication Service. Two years rebuilding and remodeling was required as a result of damage to the building sustained due to a fire on June 26, 2002. We at St. Paul want to thank the entire Bethpage community for their support and prayers over the past two years. We are especially grateful to the Bethpage Fire Department, the American Legion and St. Martin of Tours Church for donating the use of their facilities to us during this time. We are truly blessed to be a part of such a supportive community.

Below information from the CPHS NEWSLETTER, May 1998

The organizational meeting was held on March 5, 1923, at the Roosevelt Republican Hall. Attended by 35 people and $8.00 was collected. Pastor William Rusch of Hicksville offered to conduct services on Sunday afternoons in the fire house on Stewart Avenue (which was located what is now the municipal parking lot across from the present site of St. Paul's.) The first worship service was held on March 11, 1923, with 75 in attendance and an offering of $17.18.

November 1923 property was purchased, and construction was started on St. Paul's church on Stewart Avenue. When you look and marvel at the beautiful stone exterior of the church, we are reminded, that these stones were gathered from nearby farmlands surrounding the church by parishioners. A labor of love.

During this period and continuing until 1928, Reverend Rush, of Hicksville parish, preached both in Central Park and Hicksville. The original parsonage was on Lafeyette Avenue (now the Ludwig home). The new parish home was built on Stewart Avenue, next to the church, in 1955.

St. Paul's grew under the leadership of many fine pastors: Pastor Rusch served until 1928 then Pastor Brunn was called. Pastor Brunn then accepted a call to start a church in Amityville and he was followed by Pastor Faulstick till 1935. Pastor Bohm served until 1943. Pastor Taylor served St. Paul's from 1943 until his retirement in 1981. The church continued to prosper, and here to celebrate the 75th Anniversary is Reverend James W. Berry, installed as pastor on May 16, 1993.

Below Information from the Bethpage Tribune - October 15-21, 2010

June 4, 2010, the World War II Veterans Memorial was rededicated. The beautiful memorial honors all members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who served in the United States Armed Forces during WWII and in memory of Robert L. Damm and Raymond Caffrey who gave their lives.

Below information from the BETHPAGE TRIBUNE - August 30, 2013

In June 1998, under the guidance of Pastor James W. Berry, research began regarding the possible launch of a Christian pre-school at St. Paul's, In November 1998 the congregation voted to approve the proposed preschool, and in September 1999 "Little Gospel Lights Preschool" opened its doors in the basement of St. Paul Lutheran Church with a beginning enrollment of 42 students. St. Paul Lutheran Church members Deborah Cavacchioli and Kathleen Von Thaden served as the preschool's first directors. The staff of twelve educators also included St. Paul Lutheran Church members Celia Bernhardt, Joanne Foley, Jeanine Martin, and George Stark. Little Gospel Lights Preschool offered Christian education classes for two, three, and four ear old children.

On Sunday, March 11, 2018, St. Paul's is celebrating 95 years in service to the Lord and the community of Bethpage. A celebratory worship service will take place at 10:30 AM, under the theme, "Faith into the Future". Several fundraisers will take place throughout the year, and all are invited. Information from THE BETHPAGE TRIBUNE - 3/2/18

  • This page was last modified on 31 December 2022, at 02:45.
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