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Sengstacken, Eugene

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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Gene was a U. S. Navy Pilot between 1947 - 53, and he flew the Grumman Bearcat at flight school to earn his wings. He had 12 arrested landings and one catapult launch in the Bearcat, and he acknowledged the plane was exciting to fly.

After leaving the service, Gene went on to a 35 year career with United Airlines. He started out on the DC-6 (which has the same basic engine as the Bearcat, a Pratt and Whitney R2800) and finishing up with the DC-10.

Gene sold newspapers at Plant 1 and 3 during the war, sold about 75 a day. His mother was a cashier in Plant 3 and his father worked the stockroom in Plant 5.

Information from the CPHS NEWSLETTER, May 2000

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