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Schiavetta, Delphine

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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Grew up in up-state New York in the Buffalo-Rochester area and graduated from Geneseo College in 1953. At that time, principals would interview graduates for positions in their area, and Del was interviewed by Mr. Vic Miller of the Broadway School in Bethpage. Upon graduation her college roomate talked her into accompanying her to Long Island, as her friend was engaged to a soldier stationed in Mitchel Field and she wanted to be near him. Her friend got a job in Hempstead, married her soldier, and Del came to Bethpage to teach. Del told her family she would be gone for a year, but she met the handsome young man who lived next door which changed those plans. She married Danny and they both pursued a career in education with a desire to mold and shape the minds of the youth of our community. As Del said, "It was a gentler time after World War II, people were getting on with their lives, the population was exploding, and the schools went on split session". Del started her career in what she called a rickety old school on Powell Avenue where Anna Rockhill was principal and her colleagues were Mary Quinn, Mrs. Dutton and Mrs. Lacker, Evelyn Rozzi and George McElroy. She was delighted when Pine Avenue opened its doors which was a beautiful new school.

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