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Powell Avenue School

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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(See Bethpage School District)

The Powell Avenue School was located on what was known as School Street and now known as Powell Avenue. Today the Bethpage Public Library is located where the school once stood.

Below information provided by Adele Sengstacken Mitchell and Alice Ludwig West and appeared in the July1995 CPHS NEWSLETTER and from Adele Sengstacken Mitchell in the March 1999 CPHS NEWSLETTER

Our teachers at Powell Avenue School:

  • Kindergarten - Mrs. Terry
  • Grade 1 - Mrs. Lacker
  • Grade 2 - Miss Dick
  • Grade 3 - Mrs. Moulton
  • Grade 4 - Mrs. Allen
  • Grade 5 - Mrs. Gesslein
  • Grade 6 - Miss Hartz
  • Grade 7 - Miss Callahan
  • Grade 8 - Mrs. Dunton

Exhibit Day at Powell Avenue School - Each student had their school work displayed on their desk with special attention to any work that was posted for all to see. Parent and teachers chatted but no "bad" news was shared.

Mrs. Dunton and grade 8 with her no gum chewing policy. We did learn arithmetic! And yes, she made us put the gum on our nose if she caught us chewing in class. Miss Harts taught history, Miss Callaghan geography.

INFORMATION FROM A REPORT CARD DATED 1935-1936 With a note to the parents: This report takes the place of a letter from the teacher. It tries to tell you what success your child has had in his studies and what kind of an individual and citizen he is becoming so far as the teacher is concerned. You are welcomed to come to the school to discuss the marks given your child before or after school hours.

The child was accountable for: Days absent & tarty, Conduct, Obedience, Respect for Property, Courtesy, Effort. Graded in: English, Arithmetic, Geography, Spelling, Reading, History, Science, Penmanship, Art. Weight and Height was acknowledged. Marking system: A - 90-100 Superior; B - 80-89 Above Average; C - 75-79 Average; D - 70-74 Below Average F - Below 70 Failure; U - Unsatisfactory

  • This page was last modified on 9 October 2020, at 02:08.
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