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McCaffrey, Mary

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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Mary McCaffery is a graduate of Boston College and the New School of Manhattan. She is currently the Director of Development and Community Relations for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. She served on the Board of Directors of Children's House for 25 years and is currently on the Advisory Committee for the institute for Student Achievement.

She has published a number of articles in professional journals and writes a column in the Bethpage TRIBUNE under the byline "Online with Mary McCaffery." She is a co-author of IRISH TRIVIA.

Mary McCaffery is the past president of the Bethpage St. Patrick's Parade Committee and was elected Grand Marchal 2001. Mary was elected Town of Oyster Bay councilwoman in 2001. She is a member of Bethpage Chamber of Commerce, the Community Council and the Bethpage US Open Committee.

Mary and her husband, a former school teacher and administrator, have lived for 38 years in Bethpage, where they raised their six children.

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