Krumholz, Ronald
From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia
In June 1964 Ronald started working with the Garden City Park Water District as a meter reader and hydrant painter. In 1966 he enlisted for active duty in Vietnam. There the 'Sea Bees' were in charge of the Water Treatment and Filtration System for the troops. They brought the pipelines in themselves and he supervised that project. He returned to Garden City Park as Assistant Superintendent and Ron was instrumental of the first air stripper to be used in New York State.
Mr. Krumholz came to the Bethpage Water District in 1981 where he has overseen many improvements to the district. The improvements included the upgrading of buildings and facilities throughout the district, installing air-strippers at Grumman Plants, and the construction of a new 1.5 million gallon elevated storage tank. He retired the end of 2003.
(Taken from the BETHPAGE TRIBUNE January 3-9, 2003)
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