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Kalen Brothers

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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The Kalen Brothers graduated from Hicksville High School and BOCES, employed by Grumman for 41 years, volunteered their time and talent with the Grumman Retirees and the Cradle of Aviation in the restoration of Grumman planes - F-14 Tomcat, A-6 Intruder, C-2 Greyhound and E-2C Hawkeye. Richard Kalen dedicated his talents and efforts to clean and help ready the F-14 which will be on permanent display at the Cradle in 2023. They also shared their knowledge and gifted the Central Park Historical Society with models of the many Grumman planes.

  • This page was last modified on 1 June 2023, at 01:14.
  • This page has been accessed 214 times.