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Jensen, Niels (Nick) P and Edith L Ericksson

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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Niels P. Jensen was born in Denmark in the 1880's and left home at the age of fourteen going to sea. Nick entered the United States through Seattle, Washington. Edith L. Ericksson was born in Sweden and immigrated to the USA at about the age of twenty one.

Nick became a steel worker when he entered the USA eventually working on the Empire State Building in NYC from foundation to mooring mast. Also, Hell Gate power house, Miami Federal Building and the Toledo Post Office. At the start of WWII he and Herb were in the trucking business.

Edith worked as a family cook to the rich until they met and married. I have the wedding certificate.

During WWII Nick was enlisted to assist in the construction of our Navy base in Trinidad. While a tower on the island was sabotaged and Nick was enlisted to help to rebuild the same. For his efforts on the island of Trinidad I have a letter to Nick thanking him for his work from Chaguaramas Terminals Limited at Point Gourde. He was also awarded the Army/Navy "E" Products Award for Excellence in Outstanding Performance in War Time.

Another Commendation he received was from the U.S. Shipping Board in 1918 by Edward Hurley for "ship building".

Niels and Edith first lived in the house known as 720 Stewart Avenue about 1920/1921 until he finished building their house on Floral Avenue where they raised eight children listed next: Ruth, Herbert, Ethel, Gloria, Edna, Edith, Warren, and Eunice.

In 1950 Nick and Herb started Jensen Brothers Beverage Service establishing the business in a building of Henry Schaaf Lumber Company "On" Seaman Avenue. Warren joined the endeavor in 1952 upon discharge from the Navy. Eunice and I married and I worked for them until 1968 when Nicks share was transferred to me prior to his death.

In 1964 the property now known as 441 Central Avenue was purchased and a building erected.

Warren died in 1979 leaving Herb and I to operate it. In August 1982 Herb and I sold the business and in 1987 the land followed.

Respectfully submitted by Dave Nelson

  • This page was last modified on 3 November 2013, at 18:11.
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