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Honor Flights - by Raymond Walther

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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"There is an organization called Honor Flights of Long Island, which takes veterans to Washington DC for the day to see all the various monuments. I was privileged to go on September 22 along with other veterans from World War II and Korea, all told 50 veterans. We left from MacArthur Airport. Upon landing in Baltimore and entering the terminal, there was a contingent of Cadets from the Naval Academy and also about 12 motor cyclists leading the parade of buses. The day was spent touring the monuments and shaking hands with strangers of all ages. I was further privileged to have my son Jim who was also in the Navy, as my partner/guardian." When the group arrived home - McArthur Airport - they were greeted by family, friends, and welcoming signs to the sound of Bag Pipes. Ray felt privileged that his grandchildren had this opportunity to touch history, and he will always remember that day when people thanked him for something he did because he chose to be part of something larger than himself. By: Raymond Walther

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