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From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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Bethpage printer. C.P. Press was in a group of stores on Broadway, first south of the railroad. Then new building at the corner of Baldwin Place and Stewart Avenue, originally the site of Baldwin Blacksmith Building.

Below information from the CPHS Newsletter - March 2008

Vito grew up in Central Park/Bethpage, married Ernestine, father of Cathy and Paul. He was an active member of the Bethpage Fire Department for over 62 years, and he was honored when the department gave him the distinction as Deputy Honorary Chief. He assumed the responsibility as Financial Secretary of the Fireman's Benevolent Association. He was also very active in the Memorial Day Parade Committee for many years, as well as, his support and help as Quarter Master for the Butehorn Brothers VFW Post 4987. The Central Park Historical Society was proud to have Vito as a member and the knowledge he shared with our Society on the history of Central Park/Bethpage.

Vito passed away on February 4, 2008.

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