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Comfort Committee

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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The Bethpage Comfort Committee sent monthly $1.00 to each of the 187 local boys in service during World War II.. Mrs. Mae Benkert was the president and guiding force of this endeavor. There were many letters of appreciation received by the Comfort Committee acknowledging how that dollar was put to good use. During the first year the committee received 265 letters of thanks. To a boy stationed in North Africa a problem of an evening's entertainment was solved when the 6 o'clock mail arrived and he received his money order. Movies and an ice cream soda followed immediately. The $50.00 a month pay received by a private was not his to spend as he wished. Most of these boys have obligated themselves to send an allotment home, buy war bonds, and take out insurance. So it is easy to understand how $1.00 would come in handy.

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