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Bethpage Day

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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On Wednesday, September 20, 1989 Angelo Delligatti presented a proclamation to the Central Park Historical Society designating the first Saturday in October as "Bethpage Day" in recognition of the changing of the name from Central Park to Bethpage on October 3, 1936. The presentation was made to president Daniel M. Schiavetta. The first Bethpage Day was held on October 6, 1990 in the Bethpage Community Park.

Bethpage Day was organized as a day to celebrate Bethpage -- a day when the Bethpage Community will recognize all the organizations, houses of worship, schools, merchants, residents of our town! Unfortunately, in the year 2000, CPHS voted not to hold Bethpage Day.

  • This page was last modified on 29 October 2013, at 22:15.
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