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Benkert, Mae (Mamie)

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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President of the Bethpage Comfort Committee which was responsible in sending each boy, serving our country during World War II, $1.00 each month.

Mae was President of the Bethpage Defense Council. Fifty-eight men and women comprise this council, which included a demolition crew, first aid workers, and an ambulance. Mae drove the ambulance. The ambulance she drove was used ordinarily as a taxi. When the air raid alert sounded the taxi was made over into an ambulance, and reported to council headquarters. One of the toughest jobs was putting the stretchers and other paraphernalia needed into the ambulance. This equipment was stored in a garage.

Included in the unit were four school busses, owned by Mae Benkert. These buses were used to evacuate the population to a safer place in the event of an air raid. These busses were normally used to transport the children of nearby communities to school. Mae claims the distinction of being the only woman school bus operator in Nassau County. She did not have an easy time to get the contract for school bus transportation.

Whether it was a doubt about the ability of a woman to handle the job of a bus operator or some other unknown reason.

Mae was president of the Bethpage Fire Department Auxiliary and member of the Roosevelt Republican Club.

With her husband, Hans, Mae lives with her family: Muriel, Jean, Georgiana, and Howard.

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