From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia
'Bold text'Dr. Joseph G. Brennan
- A Handbook of Logic; Harper; 1957 and 1961
- The Meaning of Philosophy; Harper; 1953 and 1967
- Thomas Mann's World; Russell & Russell; 1942 and 1962
- Three Philosophical Novelists:James Joyce, Andre Gide, Thomas Mann; Macmillian; 1964
- The Education of a Prejudiced man; Scribner; 1977
- Ethics and Morals; Harper & Row; 1973
- Foundations of Moral Obligation; Presidio Press; 1994
Leo E. Schottland
- And Find New Wonder in the Stars: Poems; William-Frederick; 1947
- The Compleat Hardware-Merchant; William-Frederick; 1961
- Discovery: A Collection of New Poems; William-Frederick; 1954
- Of Birds and Bombs, and Other Trivia; William Frederick; 1968
- A Year to Remember - signs of the gathering storm Rain in the Fall Marching Along; Exposition Press; 1974
- A Matter of Moving On; Kingsman Press; 1976
- Summer Songs and other poems; Basin Publishing Co.; 1983
- This Land: These Voices; 1980
- Lone Little Sparrow in a Pickey Pine and other poems; Basin Publishing Co.; 1986
- The American Scene: Reflections of a small town Reflections of a Small Town Columnist; Basin Publishing Co.; 1989
Alonzo Gibbs
- The Fields Breathe Sweet; Lothrop; 1963
- A man's Calling; Lothrop; 1966
- Weather-House: Poems; Bridgeway Press; 1959
- By a Sea-Coal Fire; Lothrop; 1968
- The Least Likely One; Lothrop; 1964
- One More Day; Bobbs-Merrill; 1971
- Bremen Bygones; 1976
- Sir Urian's Letters Home; Kingsman Publications; 1974
- Son of a Mile-Long Mother; Bobbs-Merrill; 1971, 1970
- The Rumble of Time Through Town; Kingsman Publications; 1980
Iris and Alonzo Gibbs
- Bethpage Bygones; Kingsman Press; 1962
- Harking Back;Kingsman Publications; 1983
Pearl Sieben
- The immortal Jolson: his life and times; Fell; 1962
Terence S. Hunt
- Bethpage the years of development 1840-1910; Oakdale Press; 1973
Donna Joannou Kunzig
- Bethpage 1957-1987: a Generation of Growth & Development; Island- Wide Graphics
Diane Tropea-Green
- Apron Strings; 2007
Louis Uccellini
- Northeast Snowstorms; 2004
Jean Rafenski Reynolds Publications
- Succeeding in College, 2nd edition (2001); Prentice Hall
- Intruduction to College Writing (2000); Prentice Hall
- Police Talk (2000, with Major Mary Mariani); Prentice Hall
- Pygmalion's Wordplay:The Postmodern Shaw (1998); University Press of Florida
- Sentence Power (1991); Holt, Rinehart & Winston
Professional articles: Teaching English in the Two-Year College: "Deconstruction in the Composition Classroom" (Spring 1999) Shaw: The Annual of Shaw Studies: "The Talking Cure" (2005), "Post-structural Shaw" (2005) "Deconstructing Henry Higgins, or Eliza as Derridean 'Text' (1992)
The Journal of Correctional Education: "Power Plays in the Correctional Classroom" (September 1986) "Strategies for Controlling Classroom Misbehavior" (December 1982) "Incarcerated Students: Change and Conflict" (September 1982) The Anglo-Welsh Review: "James Howell and the Stock Welshman" (Spring 1972).
Popular Publications:
- Lakeland Ledger: Review of James Hillman's The Soul's Code (December 1996); Lizzie Borden travel story (August 1997).
- Pilgrimage: "Shadows on a Carousel" (January 1995).
- Lady's Circle: Humorous article "Diet Quiz" (February 1975).
- The Episcopalian: "Poor in Spirit" (Fall 1991), "Intimacy" (Summer 1989), "Christmas Story" (Winter 1989),
- "Clearing a Space" (Spring 1988), "Seriousness" (Winter 1988).
- Organica: Review of Aubrey Hampton's Wolf Trilogy (Spring 1992)
Marilyn (Schueler) Fabricatore
- You, Me and A Cup of Hot Tea - Book of Poetry
JOHN LOGERFO Images Of America BETHPAGE - Arcadia Publishing - 2015
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