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Armbruster Richard

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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Richard was a Coast Guard Veteran who served his country during World War II, and a retired New York City Firefighter in Engine 225 in East New York (Brooklyn). He became president of the Bethpage unit of the original Police Boys Club (PBC) in 1973, a position he held until his death on August 4, 1980. His soft spoken manner and gentle personality provided an outstanding example to all those people with whom he came in contact. The Richard Armbruster Memorial Scholarship was established in 1981, and is a one-time award of $250.00, to be given each year to some worthy student during graduation exercises. His wife Dorothy retired from the Bethpage Water District in 1999. His son, Richard, works for the Bethpage Federal Credit Union, and his son, Henry, works for MetLife. (Information from the BETHPAGE TRIBUNE)

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