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American Legion Archie McCord Post

From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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In the spring of 1927, seven veterans of World War I met in an old house on the corner of Broadway and Railroad Avenue. They formed a committee and decided to apply to American Legion Headquaters in Indiananopolis for a Charter to form a post in Central Park. The rules for granting a charter required that a name, for the new post submitted, must be one of a veteran who had served in WWI and died while in service.

In the course of the meeting with the seven veterans, two names of men that qualified was submitted. Their names were Archie McCord and George Benkert and they were to be voted on.

Archie McCord was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth McCord. Thomas was a builder of homes, by trade, and owned a tract of land in Central Park that extended from a wooded area westward along Central Avenue and south and east to Hicksville Road. It was known as McCordville. Archie was born in Central Park on August 2, 1895 and died in service October 5, 1918.

George Benkert was born in Central Park, the eldest son of George Benkert who emigrated from Germany. George Benkert Jr. entered by "draft" in June of 1918. He was inducted in the 49th Infantry and died shortly after being shipped overseas.

The vote for the name of Archie McCord was unanimous and approved by Charter from Indianopolis on March 24, 1927.

The name of George Benkert was approved for the V.F.W. Post in Farmingdale, New York.

Submitted by Historian, Post 86, Charles Schwarz

Laumann, Fred 1927-1929
Dingavin, James 1929-1931
Ellinger, Joseph 1931-1933
Amendola, Ralph 1933-1935
Butehorn, Henry 1935-1936
Nelson, Albin 1936-1937
Wengrad, Charles 1937-1938
Norman, James 1938-1940
Belsha, Harry 1940-1942
Schwarz, Charles 1942-1943
Sturgeon, Milton 1943-1945
Ellinger, Joseph 1945-1946
Payne Sr, Walter 1946-1947
Strong, Jack 1947-1948
Erickson, Frank 1948-1949
Reshinko, Joseph 1949-1950
Warhane, Ray 1950-1951
Daley, Clifford 1951-1952
Teverna, James 1952-1953
Purcell, Robert 1953-1954
Garruba, Albert 1954-1955
McMackin, Frank 1955-1957
Kelly, Harry 1957-1958
Drew, Vincent 1958-1959
Mazzie, John 1959-1961
King, Robert 1961-1963
Blazek, Joseph 1963-1964
Busuttil, Vincent 1964-1965
Catalano, Vincent 1965-1966
Ryan, Patrick 1966-1967
Blades, Hugh 1967-1968
Crisei, Arthur 1968-1969
Fruauff, Arthur 1969-1970
King, Robert 1970-1971
Catalano, Vincent 1971-1972
Fruauff, Arthur 1972-1973
Blades Hugh 1973-1974
Darmanio, Anthony 1974-1975
Ryan, J. Terry 1975-1977
King, Robert 1977-1978
Hutzel, John 1978-1980
Gangemi, John 1980-1981
King, Robert 1981-1982
Carpentiere, Enrico 1982-1984
Granberg, Herbert 1984-1987
Ahearn, Edward 1987-1989
Warnken, Ernest 1989-1994
Aultta, Salvatore 1994-1995
Ryan, J. Terry 1995-1996
J Mc Donough, Kenneth 1996-1997
Ryan, Terry 1997-1998
Auletta, Sal 1998-2001
Coinicelli, Robert 2000-2001
Lewis, Herb 2002-2003
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