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Latest revision as of 15:01, 5 November 2013

Frank Procida was born in Sicily, Italy and had to serve two years in the Italian Army before he came to America. In 1920 he left Naples, Italy and arrived in Philadelphia being sponsored by his sister who was living in Central Park, New York.

Frank's first job as a barber was in Hicksville where he worked for Joe Alvin for 2 years. Time to move on, and he opened his first barber shop in Amityville. His stay in Amityville was shortened to three years because of progress, and the expansion of the movie theater.

This move brought Frank, in 1927, to Central Park where he opened The Sanitary Barber Shop. The name, Sanitary Barber Shop, was a name suggested by Mr. Cava who had just opened the Drug Store next to his store. Mr. Cava explained, it seems, at the time, everyone was aware of germs and personal hygiene and he suggested the name and Frank agreed. Even though, it was custom to use your name for your store, The Sanitary Barber Shop, got its name and beginning.

Frank worked seven days a week closing at 1 PM on Sunday so he could pursue his favorite pastime Boccie Ball! A game that was played with friends with much enthusiasm at the Falco and Campagne property.

On December 16, 1928 Frank married Margaret Noto in St. Steven's Church in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. They had five children, Jenny, Gaspar, Albert, Antonette and Frank, and they made their home over the barber shop for 26 years. There were tough times, especially during the depression when the community of Central Park used the Barter System to pay for their haircut and shave. They accepted potatoes, seasonal vegetables, and fruits for payment. They also raised chickens in their yard for eggs and meat to sustain the family. The family later moved in the Rockhill house on Ellen Street, Bethpage.

When Gasper (Cas) and Albert (Al) came of age they followed in their fathers footsteps and went to work in the shop. Cas went to Barber School at 16 years of age and got his license in 1948. Sadly, only after working with his father for one year, his father died of kidney disease and cancer in 1949. That same year Al went to Barber School and worked in Mineola during his training. Al then joined the Army and spent two years in Korea. When Al returned home, after his military obligation, he rejoined Cas. They worked together for many years and were quite a team! Unfortunately, Al passed away on September 28, 1995.

Cas continued to work at the Sanitary Barbershop, full time, until the end of December, 2007. The shop was a family business for 80 years. Presently, he works there part-time 2-3 days a week.

Cas would like to thank his loyal patrons for their business over the years.

  • This page was last modified on 5 November 2013, at 15:01.
  • This page has been accessed 1,355 times.