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From Central Park Historical Society Encyclopedia

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(Created page with "Born and raised in Central Park, attended the little school, my mother was a cook for the children. I had twin sisters, Helen and Flo 2 1/2 years younger. I had beauty shop ...")

Latest revision as of 20:37, 30 October 2013

Born and raised in Central Park, attended the little school, my mother was a cook for the children. I had twin sisters, Helen and Flo 2 1/2 years younger. I had beauty shop called Gladys Beauty Shop across from the railroad station. My maiden name was Leidinger. I married John Bosch and we reloacted in Mineola then Hempstead and later to East Quogue where we opened a luncheonette and gift shop. (information submitted by Gladys (Leidinger) Bosch)

  • This page was last modified on 30 October 2013, at 20:37.
  • This page has been accessed 1,133 times.