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(Created page with "Founded in August, 1965 by Ben Zuk and Richard Medford. The original teams were fielded in 1966. There were 28 Pee-Wee Boys under the coaching staff of Jim Hoagland, Dick Medf...")

Latest revision as of 22:27, 29 October 2013

Founded in August, 1965 by Ben Zuk and Richard Medford. The original teams were fielded in 1966. There were 28 Pee-Wee Boys under the coaching staff of Jim Hoagland, Dick Medford, Andy Hagen, Al Paggio and Ben Zuk. Bill LaSalla, Al Ariel and Bill Conner coached the original 27 boys on the Junior Varsity Team. A cheerleading squad was founded that same year with fifteen girls under the leadership of Jo Ann Napoli and Paulette Karas. The Ladies Auxiliary was founded by Marge Zuk, Linda LaSalla, Delores Ariel, Nancy Medford and Jean Conner.

From the BETHPAGE TRIBUNE, July 1, 1976

  • This page was last modified on 29 October 2013, at 22:27.
  • This page has been accessed 1,269 times.